Monday 20 September 2010

Step 5: Take responsibility for my mistakes.

Step three I said that I'd be starting ukulele lessons on the 20th of September. Oh, look, its the 20th of September today.
Have I been to my first ukulele lesson?
No, I have not.
I could blame many things;
the fact that today was only my 6th day at a new college,
the fact that I've got a horrible cold from the new college, or,
the fact that I didn't book up the course when I should have.
My fault.
I won't complain, even though I'm gutted that I missed this opportunity.


I don't "click" with every teacher, there's still the kind of people there that I thought I'd leave in secondary school and I could certainly do without walking up an average of 500 stairs a day... BUT, I love it.
Maths: I am enjoying maths, something I never anticipated to say. About four days before the start of college my mind had wondered and suddenly I froze and said aloud "I'm taking MATHS?! Why the fuck am I taking MATHS?!" But now that I'm in the class, get on with the teacher and I am learning, taking in and carrying out new methods I'm really enjoying maths. (Still sounds weird when I say that)
Biology: Let's just say that the teacher's flat, droning voice and removed manner leave much to be desired, he doesn't really bring the subject alive the way I'd have liked but I'm enjoying the subject, it's very interesting, even if Mike makes it tedious.
Psychology: The teacher doesn't seem to have heard of psychology before and tends to speak to sixteen, seventeen and eighteen year-olds like we're all the way back in primary school, with a tilt of the head and a airy, upwards inflected way. Nevertheless, I've made a fun group of friends that help me laugh off any irritation at Amanda. Also, I love the subject, it's like nothing I've done before, there's a larger focus on statistics, hypotheses and correlations than I'd expected but I'm realizing that that's necessary.
English: I LOVE ENGLISH. I'm doing English Literature and Language combined and I have no criticisms whatsoever, I love the teacher, the students, the subject and the syllabus.

Bring on the next two years.


  1. I can't belive you didn't take the lessons:( I'm disappointed!!! :) Xxxx
