Wednesday 16 June 2010

Step 2..

Write in the blog?
I try, I do.
I don't.
I think about trying. Oh, a lot of contemplation happens in my head. I think about maybe starting to revise for the exam that I have within the same twenty-four hours. I think about maybe writing another letter to my brother and I think about walking to the shop, buying a stamp and posting the letters I've been writing for weeks. I think about redecorating my bedroom. I think about doing something different with my hair. I think about sending out my CV's to all of the places I'd like to work over the summer. I think about many things. Things I should probably be doing right now. Things I want to do. Do now. Do later. Do sometime in the near future. Do sometime in the not so near future. Yes, I'm a thinker. Not a do-er. How I wish I could find the energy to do more than think and one day do the things I'd like to do but for now, I think I'll post this blog and take satisfaction from the fact that for once I did something I thought about doing... Even if it only consisted of lounging on my sofa, pressing buttons on my keyboard to produce a spool of meaningless drivel. Good times.


  1. I know just how you feel about thinking and not doing. I think a good thing to bear in mind is, as I once heard someone say on Radio 4, that we should try to develop the habit of creating one thing every day, no matter how small. Also it's much better to be a thinker than someone who doesn't think at all.

  2. Ah, I like that (:
    I invented things in a dream last night, I'm proud!
